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Are you ready to Relinquish
Struggle in your life?

Really, isn’t time to just let it go and be in the energy of Joy?

What are you struggling with?
Could it be struggle with the energy of struggle?
Struggle is an invasive energy that we can become so accustom too,
that we don’t even recognize it for what it is.

Resistant energies that can rule our life!

Do you feel struggle with just getting up out of bed in
the morning to start your day?
Do you feel taking care of day to day items or chores is a struggle?
Do you feel life is just to overwhelming that struggle is a main
stay in your life?
IF you answered yes to any of these questions,
I invite you to join me on this no cost Teleclass.

Do you have a contract with Struggle?
If so… lets cancel that contract! You will be guided on
a meditative journey
to cancel the contract of Struggle
(at least one contract – many of us have

multiple contracts – re-listen to the class over
and over again)

Do you have Struggle living so deeply within your cells that it feels
like it has a “HOLD” on your life? Are you ready to let that go?

So you can step more freely, passionately and forward in your life!
So that you can BE on purpose with YOUR Passion!
So everyone in your energy field of influence will be blessed in new ways.

Discover how using light can assist you in relinquishing the
energy of struggle. This can be everyday struggles or it could be something
that has been a life long challenge.


What if the energy of struggle was no longer a part of your life?

What would your life be like, look like, feel like.
Would you be more present with the energy of Joy?

When you let the struggle go, it opens the doors to the wonder
and magic in your life!


When my guides presented this information to me – a whole new world of possibilities
opened up. There will be more classes offered to take this energy and the tools to a
deeper level. How does it get any better than this?

Are you ready to discover what is holding you back in life,
business, relationships?

Discover what is holding you back. Are you struggling in life, feeling blocked an
unable  to take the next step?  Do you have a Gatekeeper holding you back?

If  you answered yes… let’s move it on! (what or who is holding you back?)

Light Alchemy with Heart Point Technique may be the answer
to your procrastination and feelings of being stuck!

Light Alchemy Heart Point Technique is a simple yet powerful
way of working with the Light to shift, clear and heal those energies
and to allow you to step forth, feeling lighter and clearer.

Are you ready to take your next action step?

Are you ready to truly feel deep peace, calm and focused attention
in your day to day life to on any task?

If you answered YES ! Sign up today and receive my gift of

“Relinquishing the Energy of Struggle”

You will feel lighter, better and as if you have a new lease on life!

Complete the form to your right, confirm, listen and shift your life!